How would you describe an ideal family: тема и ответы на вопросы

В рамках темы How would you describe an ideal family могут задать следующие вопросы:
1.Do you have secrets from your parents?
2.Is it better to be an only child in the family or to have brothers and sisters?
3.What is the role of the family in the life of a person?
4. What should be done to avoid misunderstanding in the family?
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Тема describe an ideal family на уровне районных олимпиад среднего звена

A family is very important to everyone. They are people who are loving and loyal. Your parents bring you up. Your brothers and sisters grow up with you. You have a lot in common and that’s why you are so close. Unfortunately, there are some problems in every family. Anyone can make a mistake. You may let your relatives down. They may fall out with you. It happens to different people from time to time. I wouldn’t say it is normal, but it is a common place. I think that the members of an ideal family are ready to appologise to their relatives for the previous mistakes and forgive those who made them. In other words, you should be generous to give and grateful to take. If we are attentive to the needs of others, we are halfway to making your family ideal.
Ответы на примерные вопросы:
1.I think it is good not to have… When you have a problem you don’t want other people to know about it. You make a secret of it. You keep this secret. If your parents know nothing about your problems, how can they help you?
2.I am an only child in the family. I wish I had a sister or a brother. We could make friends and help each other. I don’t mind sharing my private things. Giving means getting back. Things can be bought, but relationships are built up.
3.I can’t think of something which is more important than a family. When you are born, they are near you. When a person dies, his relatives are next to him. They are always with you from start to end.
4.To avoid this problem, people should not only hear voices, but start listening to what other people have to say. I believe that misunderstanding is not a problem of being able to understand. The problem is that people don’t want to follow the ideas of others.

Тема describe an ideal family на уровне районных олимпиад 10 класса

To begin with, I would like to say that a family is by far the most important thing in the life of any person. Some people may be stupid to deny it. When you are little, your family protects you from threats of different nature. If you need money and clothes, members of your family provide you with what you need. When you need some advice, you may ask for it. When you have everything you need, they can bring back your childhood memories. Your family is a source of everything you may need: finance, wisdom and love. Now I will try to describe an ideal family… It is supposed to make you happy, but happiness is not so easy to define since it is quite personal. As for me happiness is to be understood. Your relative is expected to listen to what you have to say and try to understand you. He will not judge you on your point of view. He simply asks if I need his help or not. Even if you can cope with everything on your own, knowing that there is someone who can help you gives you a lot of confidence. Cold criticism is not what we need. A friendly hint is much more welcomed. Members of a family who like and support each other without exceptions are part of an ideal family in my opinion.
Ответы на примерные вопросы:
1.I am sure that most teenagers have secrets from their parents. Many parents think that teenagers’ problems are not worth taking them seriously. Why should I talk about my problems with my parents if they reckon that I have nothing to complain about?
2.I am happy to have an elder sister. She is my friend and my advisor .She understands me better than my mum does. My mum is naturally older than my sister and has difficulty understanding my problems. I can always ask my sister for advice whatever my problem is.
3.Family is important to everyone. When you are young you need some help as you are not old enough to take care of yourself. When you are old you need some help too. Everyone depends on his or her family regardless the age.
4.People don’t understand each other when they think about themselves only. If you are ready to listen to others and do something good to them you will never have problems in your family. You can’t get everything you want without giving something in return.

Тема describe an ideal family на уровне районных олимпиад 11 класса

To begin with, I would like to say that a family is by far the most important thing in the life of any person. Some people may be stupid to deny it. The fact that you may claim the Earth is flat proves that you are not clever and that is all. Denial of something is not a proof that it doesn’t exist. When you are little, your family protects you from threats of different nature. If you need money and clothes, members of your family provide you with what you need. When you need some advice, you may ask for it. When you have everything you need, they can bring back your childhood memories. Your family is a source of everything you may need: finance, wisdom and love. Now I will try to describe an ideal family… It is supposed to make you happy, but happiness is not so easy to define since it is quite personal. As for me happiness is to be understood. Your relative is expected to listen to what you have to say and try to understand you. He will not judge you on your point of view. He simply asks if I need his help or not. Even if you can cope with everything on your own, knowing that there is someone who can help you gives you a lot of confidence. Cold criticism is not what we need. A friendly hint is much more welcomed. There is a world of difference between them. Members of a family who like and support each other without exceptions are part of an ideal family in my opinion. My family is not an ideal but good one. Perfection is highly desirable but it is almost impossible to achieve. Sometimes bad things are done with the best intentions. Parents often make their kids follow their steps but the kids might be in favour of other options. A father who is an engineer has little chances to see the reasons behind the actions of his son who is crazy about music. Just imagine yourself in his shoe. Should he let him learn from his mistakes? What if the price for them was terribly high? Should he make him forget about his dreams? Wouldn’t I steal his life, his future then? In theory, parents are expected to wait and help if asked but who can tell when it is high time someone did something? Everyone is prone to being erroneous. Be sensitive to the needs of others and sensible while giving the asked.
Ответы на примерные вопросы:
1.I am sure that most teenagers have secrets from their parents. Many parents think that teenagers’ problems are not worth taking them seriously. Why should I talk about my problems with my parents if they reckon that I have nothing to complain about? I do have some secrets from my parents. It happens because they are not always willing to talk with me. They have their reasons for acting in this way. They think that I should think about my lessons only and get furious when I talk about the forbidden I mean the things like relationship with my classmates and friends. As you can see I have to have secrets from my parents.
2.I am happy to have an elder sister. She is my friend and my advisor.She understands me better than my mum does. My mum is naturally older than my sister and has difficulty understanding my problems. I can always ask my sister for advice whatever my problem is. She has a family of her own and we don’t live together. When we were younger she used to tease me, but I am sure that she meant no harm, just laughed at my reaction to her deeds. We both learned a very useful lesson how to share what we have with those who are dear to us.
3.Family is important to everyone. When you are young you need some help as you are not old enough to take care of yourself. When you are old you need some help too. When you are in your sixties you find it difficult to do the things which were simple some 30 years ago. Everyone depends on his or her family regardless the age. Even if you can cope with any problem on your own you need someone near you. Happiness is not only about having something but also sharing it with others. If you in possession of something sooner or later you will get used to it and it will lose its value for you. Your family is a place where you can share your victories and defeats.
4.People don’t understand each other when they think about themselves only. If you are ready to listen to others and do something good to them you will never have problems in your family. You can’t get everything you want without giving something in return. The old and the young mustn’t press their points of view. The former should remember that everything may be questioned from time to time. Wisdom is not when you have stopped asking but when he remembers the answers proven to most questions. The latter must realise that there is nothing new in the world and the so called new is not always the best even though it does glitter.