Английский язык: готовимся к централизованному тестированию: тематический словарь

К сожалению РИКЗ еще не опубликовал списки тематической лексики, хотя и уже упоминал о них в спецификациях ЦТ и ЦЭ. Предлагаемый в этой публикации материал основан на анализе старых аналитических сборниках РИКЗ выпускавшихся по результатам ЦТ по 2011 год.

Тематический словарь: устойчивые сочетания

cold, fire, bus, train, plain
confusion, trouble, problem
to an end, as a surprise, first/second, to the conclusion
best/worst, business, crossword, damage to, duty, exercise, experiment, for a living, good/harm, hair, homework, housework, job, justice, research, right/wrong, shopping, test, translation, washing-up, well/badly, work
answer, pleasure, help, explanation, hand
feeling, relationship, sympathy, effect
promise, secret, company, eye, waiting, in touch with, record
temper, touch, interest
appointment, arrangement, cake, certain, changes, choice, coffee, comment, contribution to, decision, discovery, effort, excuse, fortune, impression, joke, journey, mess, mention of, mistake, money, noise, offer, peace/war, preparations, progress, profit, recovery, reference to, sense, speech, statement, suggestion, sure, trouble, up one’s mind, yourself at home
few words, no more, nothing, prayers, something
one’s mind, generally/strictly ~ing, well, highly, ill of
place, time, care, notice, advantage, into consideration, risk, chance, pride, liking to
nonsense, sense, rubbish, in riddles, to yourself
difference, time, story, lie, truth, apart

Упражнение на тематический словарь

1.You’re not ______ any effort — try harder.
2.After my retirement in the 1980’s I ______ the Times crossword every morning.
3.I hope the children will not ______ you too much trouble.
4.You won’t be able to ______ it secret for ever.
5.He didn’t ______ any reference to the new product in his report.
6.Alen ______ his promise and repaid all of the money borrowed.
7.He’s the sort of person who always ______ trouble.
8.The other passengers ______ no notice of what was going on.
9.Both the new mother and her baby are ______ very well.
10.I reckon you are able to ______ care of that.
11.Let’s ______ advantage of the good weather and go for a stroll.
12.The book doesn’t ______ any mention of his childhood.
13.It’s your turn to ______ the washing-up, Gregory.
14.I can’t really ______ the difference between their policies and ours.
15.Just ______ your best and try your hardest.
16.Let’s not ______ a mess of this. It’s a mere trifle.
17.______ yourselves at home. Would you like a cup of tea?
18.Justice must be ______, and I have to fine you.
19.The teacher’s comment was, «He is ______ considerable progress in chemistry.»
20.The doctor says I have to ______ more exercise.
21.The company ______ a small profit in its first year.
22.Crying over the Moon won’t ______ us any good now.
23.I ______ him company while he was waiting for the bus.
24.______ no more! How much money do you need?
25.I’ll ______ a chance that he’ll be in a different carriage.
26.Could you ______ an eye on it for a minute?
27.She’s a real pleasure to ______ business with.
28.Did you ______ an appointment to see the lawyer?
29.Generally ______, it’s quite a good school.
30.They lit candles and ______ prayers for the dead.
31.The story ______ place in the 18th century.
32.This act of improper behaviour could ______ serious damage to your career.
33.To ______ this experiment, you’ll need unsophisticated equipment.
34.The minister will ______ a statement on that tragic event later today.
35.I ______ no sympathy for people who find it hard to give up smoking.
36.For almost 20 years, she struggled to make ______ with the past.
37.Think carefully before you ______ your answer.
38.The personnel who ______ the job had at least three years’ training.
39.His mother was always ______ excuses for her son’s behaviour.
40.I’d just like to ______ a few words about the itinerary.
41.I’d like everyone to ______ a contribution to the discussion.
42.Many shops are ______ badly because of the economic recession situation.
43.Their glances seemed to be ______ something about their relationship.
44.He ______ some interesting discoveries in the course of his investigation.
45.For several years I have ______ in touch with her.
46.He ______ a difficult relationship with his step father.
47.The lack of tolerance can ______ problems.
48.He ______ first in the list of the world’s richest men in 1999.
49.The colonial powers used to ______ war on poorer countries.
50.You’re not ______ your touch, are you?

Ответы к упражнению на устойчивые сочетания

1.making 2.did 3.cause 4.keep 5.make 6.kept 7.makes 8.took 9.doing 10.take 11.take 1 2.make 13.do 14.tell 15.do 16.make 17.Make 18.done 19.making 20.do 21.made 22.do 23.kept 24.Say 25.take 26.keep 27.do 28.make 29.speaking 30.said 31.takes 32.do33.do 34.make35.have 36.peace 37.give 38.did 39.making 40.say 41.make 42.doing 43.saying 44.made 45.kept 46.had 47.cause 48.came 49.make 50.losing

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