Алфавитный список идиом из Round Up 6
Здесь приводится список из первых трех юнитов.
above one’s head — выше чьего-то понимания
all ears — внимательно
all fingers and thumbs — неуклюжий
all in — уставший
all in all — в целом/общем
big hand — аплодировать кому-то
big head — быть о себе высокого мнения
big mouth — говорить громко или нагло
bitter pill — горькая пилюля
blessing in disguise -нет лиха без добра
bright spark — умник (c негативным оттенком)
close shave — на волосок от гибели
dead end — тупиковый вариант
false alarm — ложная тревога
feather in one’s cap — повод для гордости
hair’s breadth — очень близко
hard nut to crack — проблема, проблемная ситуация
matter of opinion — дело вкуса
night owl — полуночник
pet hate — что-то что вызывает неприязнь
storm in a tea-cup — шторм в стакане воды (мелочь)
thick-skinned — не чувствительный к критике
thorn in one’s side — заноза (проблема)
wild goose chase — бесполезное занятие
Упражнения на идиомы по юнитам 1-3
1.They survived but that was a ___ shave.
2.Losing my job turned out to be a blessing in ___ as I found a much better one shortly after the incident.
3.Her promotion to the senior manager was a ___ in his dad’s cap. Her father was proud of her.
4. All in ___, I think it has been a very successful meeting.
5.We were all ___ by the end of the trip.
6.The arrow missed him by a hair’s ___.
7.This problem is rather serious. To cap it all, it is above ___ of most people.
8.The boy claims to have a ___ head, yet the fact is that he has failed his exam.
9. All ___ all, I think they’ve done very well.
10.Chemistry is one of her pet ___. She finds it really difficult.
11.The problem is a hard ___ to crack. I don’t know how to solve it.
12.The trade union’s representative’s been a ___ in the side of the employer for years.
13.Both books were excellent, it’s simply a matter of ___ as to which was better.
14.I have had enough. I am ___ in. I desperately need some rest.
15.It looks like they’ve sent us on a wild ___ chase. We are unlikely to succeed.
16.You don’t have enough experience to be given this job. That’s a bitter ___ to swallow.
17.The complexity of the task was ___ his had, so he gave in.
18.I am ___ ears. What do you have to say?
19.Some bright ___ suggested having a midnight swim.
20.The resort is a paradise for ___ owls with its abundance of night life.
21.Tom has a big ___, but he is not so clever.
22.You don’t become a successful politician without being ___-skinned.
23.It felt like some sort of ___ end. Nobody knew what to do.
24.Some ___ spark left the tap running all night long.
25.The teenagers had a ___ mouth and the teacher sent for the headmaster.
26.The rumors that the plant would be closed was a ___ alarm.
27.His appointment to this important post was a feather in the boy’s ___.
28.Their defeat was a bit of a blow, a ___ pill to swallow.
29.The spectators were so impressed that they gave both teams a ___ hand.
30.The negotiations reached a dead ___. We failed to find the compromise.
31.Jim thinks he has a big ___ and I have to ask him to keep his voice down.
32.I had a ___ shave this morning, — some idiot almost knocked me off my motorbike.
33.Something which is a ___ in disguise is not always pleasant but it may have a positive effect on your later life..
34.The accident turned out to be a storm in a ___. There was nothing to worry about.
35.Your next opponent, an ex-champion, will be a ___ nut to crack.
36.He came within a ___ breadth of losing his job.
37.Can you help me with this lock? I’m all ___ and thumbs today.
38.My ___ hate is people chewing gum with their mouths open. I detest them.
39.The concert was superb so the audience gave him a big ___.
40.Art is very much a ___ of taste. As you know — tastes differ.
41.I’m all fingers and ___ today. That’s the second glass I’ve broken today.
42.He was thick-___ enough to cope with wild accusations.
43.She thought she would be fired, but it turned out to be a false ___.
44.The late-night parties make the hotel a haven for night ___.
45.She’s a real thorn in his ___. She is the cause of his misfortunes.
46.We became involved in what was most likely a wild goose ___. That was a waste of time.
47.The kids were all ___ as they wanted to learn the results of their final tests.
Ответы к упражнению на идиомы
1.close 2.disguise 3.feather 4.all 5.in 6.breadth 7.heads 8.big 9.in 10.hates 11.nut 12.thorn 13.opinion 14.all 15.goose 16.pill 17.above 18.all 19.spark 20.night 21.head 22.thick 23.dead 24.bright 25.big 26.false 27.cap 28.bitter 29.big 30.end 31.mouth 32.shave 33.blessing 34.teacup 35.hard 36.hair’s 37.fingers 38.pet 39.hand 40.matter 41.thumbs 42.skinned 43.alarm 44.owls 45.side 46.chase 47.ears