Поиск лишних слов в B11-20 заданий централизованного тестирования

Предложенное упражнение создано на основе анализа сборника тестов централизованного тестирования 2022 года.

Упражнение на поиск лишних слов в централизованном тестировании

При всей не сложности этого блока в нем часто допускают ошибки. Сказывается недостаток внимания и критичности мышления у среднего выпускника школы. Поверхностный перевод без учета особенностей имеющихся примеров зачастую служит плохую службу сдающим ЦТ по иностранным языкам.
1.They are constantly urged to throw away those rubbish.
2.The hotel offers much plenty of ways to pass the time.
3.This money transfer is could be made in a matter of minutes.
4.Mary was asked to give a detailed description to this is complex situation.
5.The idea of its having to redo everything made his blood boil.
6.They either provide us with good enough material to create everything we need.
7.It’s far interesting to know what actually happened that evening.
8.It was John Smith who known to the general public under the nickname «Mr.Big».
9.My main aim it was to master my skills and become a decent specialist.
10.You rather should plan everything carefully to avoid any problems.
11.Despite of her extraordinary abilities, she turned out to be a failure when it comes to cooperating with colleagues.
12.My dream tourist destination it is the Caucasus with high mountains and grape yards.
13.There were two people who could benefit form the murder but neither the suspects had a cast-strong alibi.
14.They had many options to offer: swimming, hunting or horse-riding and various trips.
15.Any flat on the top floor of this skyscraper which overlooks all the neighbouring houses.
16.He is known to have even been come forward with various weird proposals.
17.I firmly believe that truth should not be distorted in any more way.
18.I doubt it could be as possible to see him beating the opponent.
19.Some of them have every drawbacks but none is perfect.
20.Her small yet intriguing orchard which had a wonderful collection of fruit trees and bushes.
21.Going to one other of mountainous French monasteries is my idea of off-the- beaten-track holidays.
22.They were advised to bear in their mind simple precautions that may ease the journey.
23.George was on his way home when he received an important message neither.
24.Every teachers usually treat school inspectors with profound suspicion.
25.Don’t hesitate yourself to inform me, if they pose a threat to our plan.
26.The worst thing about this particular case it is that you can’t either predict or avoid it.
27.It goes without saying that she can be such unbearable.
28.She was hard on money so she decided to pay in every installments.
29.You had better turn to someone other who is knowledgeable enough.
30.Don’t you very want to spend a week on a distant island?
31.Jack was certainly one of the most friendliest people I had ever met.
32.I think it is up to you to think of a solution which could be most better than your current proposal.
33.Some politicians very want to put a stop to this practice since it does a lot of harm to our society.
34.The scheme could have been far perfect but they overlooked some potential drawbacks of it.
35.It goes without saying that no one who plans to introduce any drastic changes in the near future.
36.Many of them who were aware of his ambitious plans to climb the career ladder.
37.I suppose this method should be applied in every similar situations.
38.Our offer may arouse the interest of the audience who much want to gain an insight in modern culture.
39.Our resort is being situated on one of islands in the Aegean sea.
40.They provided the travellers with much plenty of food and water.
41.Finishing this project will definitely take all of us a so large amount of time and effort.
42.Careless drivers are usually heavily fined or may even banned from driving at all.
43.He stresses that such many people in this area may suffer from the new legislation.
44.If they cause you any trouble, just let me to know.
45.She paid a visit to them only to be find out that they had left the country.
46.The accident reported it earlier took place on the outskirts of the town.
47.According to once grammar books, it is not advisable to use prepositions in the above mentioned set phrase.
48.It would be unwise to continue misusing more natural resources.
49.Some every teachers think that home task is not a necessity nowadays.
50.Do you happen to know what did they want us to create in the end?

Ответы к упражнение на поиск лишних слов

1.those 2.much 3.is 4.is 5.its 6.either 7.far 8.who 9.it 10.rather 11.of 12.it 13.neither 14.or 15.which 16.been 17.more 18.as 19.every 20.which 21.other 22.their 23.neither 24.Every 25.yourself 26.it 27.such 28.every 29.other 30.very 31.most 32.most 33.very 34.far 35.who 36.who 37.every 38.much 39.being 40.much 41.so 42.may 43.such 44.to 45.be 46.it 47.once 48.more 49.every 50.did

Комментарии к отдельным заданиям на поиск не нужных слов

Как показывает анализ ответов, в данном типе заданий лишними чаще всего оказываются не существительные, прилагательные и смысловые глаголы, а различные формы местоимений, вспомогательные глаголы и усилители степеней сравнения.
Давайте разберем ряд примеров, содержащих лишние слова, которые соответствуют по стилю заданиям 2022 года.
I think it is up to you to think of a solution which could be most better than your current proposal.
Most не является усилителем степени сравнения better than
Jack was certainly one of the most friendliest person I had ever met.
Для образования превосходной степени сравнения прилагательных most используется далеко не со всеми прилагательными. Frendliest уже является превосходной степенью.
It would be unwise to continue misusing more natural resources.
Для использования сравнительной степени нет оснований. В этом предложении нет двух сравниваемых существительных.
It goes without saying that she can be such unbearable.
Such употребляется только при наличии существительного.
I was strongly advised not to act such as if I had nothing to do with the car crash.
Such as (такой как) не подходит по смыслу предложения, в отличии от as if (как будто).
He stresses that such many people in this area may suffer from the new legislation.
Перед much и many используется только so, а не such.
Our company has many flats for both sale or to rent in the suburbs of the capital.
Both не может быть употреблено из-за or, которое могло бы быть частью конструкции either… or… (или… или …).
They were instructed to bring either food and a set of clothes.
Either не может быть употреблено из-за and, которое могло бы быть частью конструкции both… and… (и… и…).
I suppose this method should be applied in every similar situations.
Every (каждый) не сочетается с существительными во множественном числе.
Even though they who were in a troublesome situation, they succeeded in solving it.
Подлежащее they нуждается в сказуемом were и поэтому нет места для местоимения who, которое обычно вводит придаточное предложение.
Any flat in the top floor of this skyscraper which overlooks all the neighbouring houses.
Which используется для ввода придаточного предложения, но на весь набор слов в предложении только один глагол.
It’s far interesting to know what actually happened that evening.
В предложении нет прилагательного в сравнительной степени.
Some politicians very want to put a stop to this practice since it does a lot of harm to our society.
Известное слово паразит в английском языке используется не так часто как в русском.
Do you happen to know what did they want us to create in the end?
В косвенных вопросах используется прямой порядок слов при котором не используются вспомогательные глаголы do, does, did.
He is known to have even been come forward with various weird proposals.
Подлежащее в этом предложении выполняло действие самостоятельно и поэтому нет необходимости в пассивном инфинитиве.
Our resort is being situated on one of islands in the Aegean sea.
Курорт находится в некотором месте на постоянной основе и поэтому нужно избавиться от слова, придающего сказуемому форму continuous.
If they cause you any trouble, just let me to know.
Глагол let в связке глагол + объект использует инфинитив без частицы to.
Despite of her extraordinary abilities, she turned out to be a failure when it comes to cooperating with colleagues.
Не надо путать despite и in spite of. Смысл у них один и тот же, но у despite нет предлога.
The worst thing about this particular case it is that you can’t either predict or avoid the outcome.
It не имеет отношение к подлежащему, состоящему из семи слов.

По личным ощущениям, кажется, что в ближайшем будущем можно столкнуться с заданиями, содержащими лишние предлоги и артикли. Важно помнить, что хотя в каждой строке есть лишнее слово, нужно читать каждое предложение до конца, не останавливаясь на конце строки.

Дополнительные материалы

Дополнительно доступны учебные материалы для ЦТ и ЦЭ по следующим темам: предлоги, словообразование, пропуски Б5-6, пропуски Б11-20.

Материалы данной публикации включены в состав мобильного приложения для подготовки к ЦТ и ЦЭ по английскому языку.