Поиск лишних слов на олимпиадах от ЦТ и ЦЭ отличается тем, что на олимпиадах в строке ошибки может и не быть. Нужно помнить, что ошибка ищется в строке, но предложение читается до точки.
Упражнение на поиск лишних слов
0 Beliefs which go back deep into the time lie behind many of our present day the
00 attitudes to birds. People have often regarded for birds as having close for
1. affinities with mankind because, like the humans, birds go on two legs, sing,
2. show off and construct off homes. Dances from many different cultures are
3. copied from the courting displays of birds. Some birds were thought to warn
4. of disaster or foretell a good fortune, according to the circumstances
5. in which they were sighted. In the parts of Scotland, it is still lucky
6. to hear the cuckoo while you are out of walking, but not before you have
7. eaten a breakfast. The Welsh used to believe that you would flourish
8. if you were standing on a grass or green leaves when the bird sang, but if
9. you were on to barren ground you would not live to hear its call another year.
10. Many children in Britain still think so that it is unlucky to see a single crow
or magpie, but lucky to see two.
1. Many everyday objects are being given their names for
2. a reason. The Biro (a ballpoint pen) was invented by
3. Georg and Josef Biro, so that it was named after them.
4. The sandwich, on the other hand, it was named after the
5. 4th Earl of Sandwich in 1762. Despite of the fact that the
6. idea of eating slices of meat between slices of bread was
7. not a new one, the Earl of Sandwich made it popular. He
8. would ask to be served this dish at his card table so that
9. he could play the all day. Morse code (the use of long
10. and short sounds to send the messages along a wire) was
11. been invented by Samuel Morse in 1844 and Bermuda
12. shorts were so named because they at first became popular
13. in Bermuda. So, next time you will use an everyday
14. object, why not to stop and think about where its name
15. came from? You might be surprised!
0 Loneliness is a disease of modern living, a result of —
00 which people being more mobile and having more opportunities. which
1 With the break-up of family units, there is little of
2 stability on which to build good relationships. Loneliness
3 isn’t something that can be solved itself simply by
4 seeing a counsellor, speaking to someone that on the
5 telephone or to being in the company of a lot of people.
6 Advice been often given includes: joining clubs, taking up a
7 sociable hobby or even by trying a part-time job if you
8 don’t work outside from the house. However, none of this
9 advice will provide with an easy answer. To ease the
10 feeling of emptiness it takes time. Friendships have
11 to be allowed to grow on and deep bonds can’t be
12 formed with just anyone. Anyone might be like a
13 victim of loneliness at some time or other in their lives.
0 The British are ever generally regarded as the most ever
00 untidily dressed people in Europe, but I have often —
1 thought that to the opposite is true. Take, for example,
2 the wearing of jeans. In many southern European
3 countries, it seems more perfectly acceptable for
4 both teachers and office staff to wear jeans, whereas
5 in Britain jeans are been considered far too
6 casual and are only acceptable if the work is so
7 dirty or unskilled. One office workers in Britain must
8 follow a very much strict dress code. Even in the hottest
9 weather, male employees are most required to wear
10 a suit and tie and female employees who must be dressed
in a skirt and tights.
1 Even the most of experienced performers suffer from
2 the stagefright. Sometimes this can be so extreme that it almost completely paralyses
3 the person whose concerned. They stand in the wings, their heart beating at a rate of
4 130 or 135 for a minute and often seriously think about not going on. Some even
5 they find it impossible to remember the performance at all after it is over. Others
6 genuinely believe they have completely forgotten all their lines or
7 one of in particular. Most feel ill. They sweat and shiver and their stomachs make
8 strange noises. Considering the agonies that even such as well-known actors as
9 Brad Pit or Johnny Depp go through, it is surprising that less experienced
10 performers ever have the courage to walk on stage at all. So next time that you are
feeling nervous before a job interview or an oral examination, remember you are in good company.
The world’s top performers know exactly how you feel. They often feel a lot worse.
0. When I left university I went travelling all over —
00. in the world. I was so fascinated by New Zealand in
1. that | decided to spend a year there. In order that
2. to do so I had to find a job. However, I had very enough
3. money to get by for a few of months, so needless to
4. say, I took the opportunity to travel around and see the
5. country. Everywhere I went, the people were the friendlier
6. than at anywhere else I had ever been, which is important
7. when travelling. The landscape was as wonderful as well,
8. with the more richest variety of plant life [ had
9. ever seen. I was also fascinated by the traditions
10. of the Maori natives and took every one opportunity to talk
to them.
0. In April on 1922 the archaeologist Howard Carter and his on
00. men discovered a tomb in the valley of the Kings in —
1. Egypt. They had been working on for fifteen years and this
2. was an incredible discovery. As far they were dinning, they
3. suddenly hit an underground doorway which it led to a
4. tomb. It was the last resting place of an Egyptian Pharaoh,
5. or king, who had been died thirty centuries before. The
6. tomb contained of a rich collection of jewellery
7. and some a treasure which the Ancient Egyptians believed
8. would be of use to the dead ones in the afterlife. The
9. Pharaoh’s name was Tutankhamen. He died when
10. he was a boy-king. His own body, which had been
11. preserved in the traditional Egyptian way, was still in
12. the tomb. The discovery of the tomb was been surrounded by a lot
of suspicion.
Ответы на поиск лишних слов
1. the 2. off 3. — 4. a 5. the 6. of 7. a 8. a 9. to 0. so
1. being, 2. — 3. that 4. it 5. of 6. — 7. — 8. — 9. the 10. the 11. been 12. at 13. will 14. to 15. —
1. of 2. — 3. itself 4. that 5. to 6. been 7. by 8. from 9. with 10. it 11. on 12. like 13. —
1. to 2. — 3. more 4. — 5. been 6. so 7. one 8. much 9. most 10. who
1. of 2. the 3. whose 4. for 5. they 6. — 7. of 8. as 9. — 10. that
1. that 2. very 3. of 4. — 5. the 6. at 7. as 8.more 9. — 10. one
1. on 2. far 3. it 4. — 5. been 6. of 7. some 8. ones 9. — 10. own 11. — 12. been
Олимпиадные версии заданий на словообразование, времена , предлоги с фразовыми глаголами , поиском ошибок , лексический выбор и артикли мы публиковали ранее.